teen boy in a car

Ways to keep your teen drivers safe

Earning a license is one of the most exciting time in a teenager’s life, but it’s also a nerve racking experience for parents. It’s natural to worry about your child’s safety, and it’s natural for them to be too excited to fully understand all the dangers they might face on the road.  Fortunately, they are…

Military Time Vs. Normal Time

Military Time Vs. Normal Time

Not everyone knows what military time and regular time are and how they work. Although there are differences between both time formats and the reason as to how and why they are used, it’s easily understandable.  Military time: It is basically a way to tell time using 24 hours instead of 12 hours starting the…

CalVet Loans VS VA Home Loans

Veterans have unique options when looking for a home. One of the most well-known programs is the Department of Veterans Affairs program. For Veterans looking to buy in California, there’s also the CalVet Home Loan program through the California Department of Veterans Affairs. Wondering how to decide which program is right for you? This helpful…

Melatonin for Kids and Toddlers: Is It Safe?

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule for children is important to their ongoing growth and development as well as their everyday health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, sleep training and developing healthy sleep habits is easier said than done. Many parents turn to melatonin as a sleep aid for their kids and toddlers. Is melatonin safe for kids…

How to Maintain Your Car’s Drivability for Years to Come

A car is often a necessary and (unfortunately) expensive investment. However, this investment can vary widely between vehicle owners over the course of a lifetime. Many drivers burn through their vehicles in a few years’ time, while others can keep their four-wheeled friends working for decades. The difference? A bit of maintenance performed and thousands…

4 Tips For Making It Through a Tough Financial Period

If you find yourself facing a tough financial period, then you’re not the first! Most people, regardless of their income or background, have experienced financial hardships at least once. Living from paycheck to paycheck is stressful enough as it is; however, it can be even more stressful when you have a family to look after. …

pregnant woman

When your pregnancy costs you your paycheck

The United States may be entering a new decade, but the same discrimination of old still runs rampant in the workplace. Women face a myriad of misogyny, but one of the most impactful can be losing their jobs over a pregnancy.  These illegal firings impact women’s employment and economic status on a large scale, while…

5 Types of Mental Health Resources Available To All Veterans

Mounting studies published within the last two years have revealed that veterans are 15 times more likely to develop a post traumatic stress-related condition (alternately referred to as PTSD) than civilians.  While minimal mental health services were provided for veterans and active-duty military service members in times prior, World War I marked a turning point…

Making a Home Safe for Toddlers

Having little ones around means that your home needs to be made extra safe for them. We can’t watch them 24 hours a day, even if we try to. There are a few things we can put in place to make sure they are kept out of harm’s way, though.  Read on to see what…

Ways to Reduce Chronic Pain after Serving: Becoming an Active Parent Again

After you’ve done your service to the military, you are sometimes left with chronic pain because of the stress you put on both your body and mind while in the armed forces.  You’re not alone. Studies have been done that state many veterans are affected by it. The experts at the National Center for Complementary…

Teach to One is among the top 5 Non-Profits in New York that Make a Difference

MoMA – The Museum of Modern Art MoMA, from its inception in 1929, has prided itself on working to be the preeminent museum of modern art in the world. They work to not only exhibit, but preserve, document and collect art that shows the ever-evolving state of modern art. They provide exhibitions, educational programs, a…

Sweat Through Basic Training And The Military The Healthy Way

You made the decision and enlisted in the military. You waited to hear back when your Basic Training will start and now you finally got your orders.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re going to the Army, Air Force, Marines, or the Navy. Either way, you’re going to Basic Training, a program which challenges even the…

Long-Distance Dating Tips for Military Members

There is something magnetically attractive about men and women wearing uniforms. They symbolize strong, stable, courageous, noble, and orderly people who can provide security and protection to their family and partners. And that’s what most of us want when it comes to love. What the other benefits of dating a soldier are, find on this…

kid in the window of a red thunderbird

Best In-Car Entertainment for Kids on Long Drives

Long car rides take their toll on even the most experienced driver, but they can be especially dull for children. In order to keep your sanity intact, and a safe drive to best avoid a car accident, keeping your kids entertained is vital. Here are the best forms of in-car entertainment to ensure the little…

Ways To Combat Clinical Depression

Depression is a mental health disorder that affects millions of people every year. At any one time in the United States, over six percent of the population is suffering from some type of depressive disorder. The most serious form of depression is called clinical depression or major depressive disorder. This type of depression is characterized…

Birth Injury Lawyers Seek Justice And Compensation For Children With Cerebral Palsy

A birth injury lawyer helps the parents of children that have suffered from medical malpractice seek justice and compensation. The team at Birth Injury Lawyers Group is dedicated to assisting the families affected by labor and delivery injuries.  Birth Injury Lawyers have proven to be a comprehensive resource for families that are coping with birth…

A Few Fall Fashion Options From Louis Vuitton And The RealReal

People who want to look their best might shop in a number of place to find the options that they need for the season. Plus, this is a good time of year for you to break out all your favorite clothing items. This is a very simple way for you to look good, mix up…

When to Consider a Prenuptial Agreement

Most people assume prenuptial agreements as a safeguard for the wealthy. The truth is, anyone couple can hold one of these agreements. Do you really need one, though? Prenups have become increasingly popular over the past decade, but they still aren’t for everyone. Here’s when and why you should consider this binding document.  What is…

Ladyboys From The Philippines – Dating In East Asia

Love is a tricky thing. You can spend your whole life waiting for the right person. You start imagining about all the possible places where you can meet your soul mate. Maybe it’ll happen in your local supermarket, in the club, or somewhere else. You can never know. They say when you meet the right…

8 Gifts That Won’t Disappoint

It seems like there is always a new occasion to buy someone a gift for. Birthdays, baby showers, weddings, graduations… you name it. You need a gift for it. It’s annoying to keep giving money or gift cards, and you only come up with so many creative ideas for each event. There are so many…

5 Awesome Things You Should Know About Big Data in Healthcare

When it comes to human health, it is important to know as much as possible about many different conditions in order to give the best quality of care. Using big data for research is a solution healthcare providers and institutions are now employing to improve the care they give. The phrase ‘big data’ refers to…

Various Career Paths For Vets After Discharge

The lessons learned in the military are not all needed after discharge but there are valuable ones that can be learned. The military often times supports any solider trying to improve themselves whether it is physically or in an educational manner. The fact that you will be able to attend college for free makes it…

How Businesses Can Support Local Service Men, Women and Causes

How Businesses Can Support Local Service Men, Women and Causes

Without the service of military members we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the freedoms and luxuries that are often taken for granted. As a business owner, there are many things you can do that require very little effort to show your appreciation. It is more than likely this has never crossed your mind, and there…

Can Pregnant Women Use CBD?

When a woman becomes pregnant, it’s one of the happiest days of her life, and what she puts in and on her body will affect her baby until the baby is delivered. Your primary health care provider will tell you what is safe to take and what is detrimental to the health of your unborn…

Helping Veterans Combat PTSD

Veterans are an extremely diverse group of people who may have had radically different experiences of service across branches and generations. Yet one all-too-common characteristic that veterans might share are scars that remain largely invisible and silent: PTSD. With the suicide rate as yet unabated since the first formal report on the issue was released…