Issues That Military Personnel Might Struggle With After Returning Home

Getting home from being deployed or finishing up your term of service can be a tough adjustment. Issues that you have to deal with in the military are far different than that of civilian life. Understanding what these issues can be will help you avoid or work on yourself to avoid something becoming an issue.…

Why Web 2.0 Is Everything You’ve Been Searching For

The Internet age has made us all curious seekers. With a treasure trove of information at our fingertips, we are constantly in search of answers and growing our own knowledge base. The Internet has made us lifelong students as we continue to seek answers about the world around us and become our very own experts.…

Avoiding Substance Abuse Problems After Returning From Duty

Active duty in the army is stressful for anyone. Much of the situations a person is put in weigh heavy on their mind. Not to mention, being away from family and coming home and possibly not having a job are also issues. For these reasons and others, people return home and feel anxious or depressed.…

Supplementing Traditional Medicine with Foam Rolling

If you are a fitness trainer, a massage therapist, or an alternative healer, you have probably heard about the foam roller and its wide range of benefits by now. From enhanced performance to injury prevention, the foam roller has emerged as one of the most important tools in sports and in personal health. The foam…

Must Have Back-to-School Accessories for Your Tween

Heading back to school is an exciting thing. But when it’s your tween who’s headed back, that excitement can mean stress for you. It’s on you as a parent to help your tween pick out all of the back-to-school essentials, and it can be hard to find the stuff that will help him or her…

10 Things That Can Disqualify You from Enlisting in the Military

There are many things that can disqualify someone from joining the military. Each division of the military has unique qualifications, but the military as a whole prefers candidates who have sound morals and are physically and mentally capable. The following reasons explain why applicants can get disqualified from service: 1) Citizenship Only US citizens and…

How to Make Provision for a Better Future in the Health Sector

The health sector is an ever-growing industry that keeps developing and making progress. Of course, what we have today is much better than we had in the past. Ailments have their treatments and solutions. New diseases have been found but they are managed to tackle quite well. Technologies are applied and more used than before.…

Emergencies Get Quicker Response Times Thanks to Cell Phones

It seems almost unfathomable but there was a time where we didn’t have cell phones to rely upon in our everyday lives. Communicating, school work, banking, entertainment, and so much more were all very much separate arenas. But thanks to cell phones and the progression of technology throughout the years, cell phones not only have…

2019 Social Security and VA Changes

In the fall, the Social Security Administration (SSA) shares policy adjustments that will occur the following year in the program. This directly affects the VA monthly benefit amounts, as the VA takes into account inflation and higher costs of living. For the SSA, higher payments were sent out as early as December 31, 2018, but…

Bacopa Monnieri – A cognitive Function boosting Supplement

Bacopa Monnieri is one of the most respected nootropics on the market. It takes its name from the species of creeping plant its extracted from and has a long history of use as a medicinal herb. However, its reputation as a nootropic is not only based on past beliefs. There is a wealth of scientific…

10 Veterans Benefits Everyone Should Utilize

While most military veterans know about the health care and education benefits available, many are not aware of the several other benefits offered to veterans and their families. These benefits range from tax preparation to caregiver support, and a variety of offers in between. Below are the top 10 veterans benefits everyone should utilize: American…

Time is Running out for VA to Implement Appeals Reform

In February of 2019, the Department of Veterans Affairs is expected to implement a new law intended to shorten the time it takes veterans to appeal their claims for VA benefits. Currently, the appeals process can take an average of six years to navigate, leaving many veterans frustrated, underrepresented, and left without benefits. Some are…

Finding Your Purpose After Serving

When returning home from service, veterans often bring home problems they never anticipated. Fortunately, issues such as PTSD and alcoholism are coming to light and starting to be better assessed and addressed by today’s healthcare professionals. Although, veterans continue to grapple with problems on an innately human level. What is my purpose? How may I…

How To Adjust To Being Back Home After Deployment

Being deployed is one of the most stressful things an active member of the military has to deal with. The separation of family is the aspect that hurts a military member the most while their family worrying about them returning safely adds to this stress. Many people regardless of the branch of military count down…

How Being Sober Makes You a Better Parent

Parents who have grappled with the horror of active addiction regrettably understand well the impact that the disease has on their children. Therapists and clinicians are quick to point out the fact that substance abuse is a sickness for which the sufferer has limited control over their actions while using their drug of choice. However,…

Christmas Party Ideas for Teens

Let’s face it—our teens are sometimes a hard crowd to please. But if you can keep them safe and at home rather than out on the town during the long holiday break, you might sleep a little easier at night knowing where they are. But in order to keep them home, you’re going to have…

3 Things to Inspect in a Home Before Being Deployed

Deployment means you won’t be able to deal with home disasters yourself. Your family, or anyone watching the home for you, will be responsible for making sure all repairs are made promptly. If you have kids, this makes matters even more stressful. You need to do all that you can to ensure that your home…

4 Apprenticeship Programs Offered to Veterans

Military-friendly employment is on the rise, and there are organizations waiting for veterans to apply today. These employees understand the sacrifice that veterans have made, and they’re willing to go above and beyond to ensure a military veteran is hired and retained. Apprenticeship programs offered to benefits often fall into the top 25 jobs for…

How Advanced Education is Shaping the World

Education is a human right. What’s more, like other human rights, it can’t be underestimated. Over the world, 59 million youngsters and 65 million youths are out of school. In excess of 120 million youngsters don’t finish essential instruction. Behind these figures, there are kids and youth being denied a right, as well as circumstances:…

When Do You Need a DUI Lawyer?

A DUI is not like a traffic ticket. It’s a very, very serious charge. If you’re found guilty you could (depending on state laws and other factors) lose your license, pay steep fines, be required to attend instructional and alcohol recovery lessons, or even go to jail. And if you head into that courtroom without…

How to Build the Ultimate Man Cave in Your Basement

Men – just like women – can benefit from having their own place to escape for “me” time and relaxation. Man caves, as they’re called, give men a place to hang out with their friends, work on their hobbies, or just unwind. A man cave can be located anywhere in the home, but the basement…

Finance Tips For Veterans Looking To Acquire Property

Buying a home is a great step towards making a haven for you and your family. Buying a home is also a long-term investment in your financial future. Therefore, your purchase should be very careful. You should put many things into consideration and also plan for it. There is good news for those veterans who…

3 Apprenticeship Programs for Veterans to Enter Into Trades

Veterans go back into civilian life after service, often stuck without many job prospects. These veterans need to be able to put food on their tables, and while many do find employment, statistics from 2016 show that 453,000 veterans were unemployed. Older veterans, those aged 45 and older, account for 60% of veterans unemployed. And…

Financial Tips For Veterans That Can Make A Difference

Being a veteran is something to be proud of whether you were deployed overseas or took care of logistics for the military. This is a brotherhood that runs deep and it can also help you in the financial sense. Besides all of the veteran based discounts that are available there are other options to make…

Problems Veterans Can Face When They Get Home From Being Deployed

Unfortunately for veterans coming home from being deployed home life can come with its own problems. These problems can come crashing down right after returning home or there will be a small amount of time until the issues start arising. The best thing that can be done is to react to certain situations in a…