4 Flexible Ways to Make Side Money This Summer Even with the Kids Around

Summer is a little over a month away, and the kids will be getting out of school soon. Parents know that they’ll have their hands full with the kids, and this means having to do a lot of extra activities. You want to keep your little ones busy this summer, but going to the movies,…

Family law and infants – Wise tips and advices for parents

Until you come across a grave family issue, you may never come to terms with the fact that your pre-verbal infants who haven’t yet learned to speak might have a lawyer appointed who can represent them at the court. Such lawyers are regularly appointed via the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate for both…

How to Remodel an Old Home

Old homes are beautiful. They have a timeless look. Their internal architecture is often more pleasing, whether it’s the small Victorian rooms or the sculpted doorways of a bungalow. If you’ve fallen in love with an old house and want to renovate it, there are a few common problems you should be aware of. You…

Home Options

It is an exciting and emotional journey to begin choosing a more permanent place to settle down, whether it is a solo adventure or with your family. As a part of a new generation moving up in the world, it means your career is going well, you have your finances in order, you and love…

Parenting Tips For Unfortunate Situations

The truth is that everything is not going to go as planned when you are a parent. The test of a great parent is how they react to a bad situation and help their children learn/grow from the experience. There is not a know all handbook for parenting as all kids and parents are quite…

Life Insurance Options Change from Active Duty to Civilian Transition

First published on April 17, 2018 Active duty members will receive what’s called Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI). This insurance will also go to many reservists and guard personnel, but once your service is over and you transition into civilian life, everything changes. Initially, within a year and four months, you can convert the SGLI…

How to Stop taking Weed while Pregnant (an ex weed smokers guide)

A positive pregnancy test is the point where many women decide to give up smoking weed, but is it as straightforward as simply making the decision? Quitting something can be a challenge, and it’s perfectly normal to experience both physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms when you stop, whether it’s sugar, cigarettes, alcohol or weed! If…

Parents Who Overthink: How to Set Your Mind at Ease

It is no question that parents have a lot on their plate. Unfortunately though, there are many dads and moms who already have a tendency to overthink who then experience even more anxiety when deliberating issues about their children’s daily routine. Of course, it is normal to have concerns that may not always be within…

What Can Parents Do About School Shootings?

With the recent mass shooting at a Florida high school, parents feel especially helpless to protect their children from violence, especially while their kids are away at school. The dialog in the media tends to focus on the guns themselves, and national policies about guns, but there are some easy and beneficial steps parents can…

6 Preschool Warning Signs Every Parent Should Know

As it is becoming more and more common for both parents to work, preschool attendance has skyrocketed over the past decade. Many daycares have created a preschool within their facility in order to provide this service and keep clients. However, not all preschools are created equally. The following list contains the top six warning signs…

Deployment Planning: Easing the Emotional Toll on Your Family

Deployment leaves a lot of unknowns on the table. You don’t know that you’ll make it back home, so you need to do everything in your power to prepare your family for success. Even if you do make it back home, you might be away for weeks or months leaving your family members to fill…

5 Perks of Living On Base

When military families are ordered to a new base, they have to decide whether to live on base or off base in a home of their choosing. Some families love living on base, while others prefer the flexibility of being able to choose their home. While there are some disadvantages to living on base (fewer…

5 High-Paying Jobs that Don’t Require a College Degree

As the cost of college tuition continues to rise, many parents are encouraging their kids to consider alternative careers. While a college degree will still earn you the highest salary, there are numerous blue-collar jobs that offer excellent pay and benefits. Here are five high-paying jobs that don’t require a college education. 1. Police Officer…

Careers in the Medical Field You Might Want To Consider

The careers of many of those in the medical field will be safe for decades to come. There are just some things that will not be able to be automated such as patient interaction and treatment. Most people think that to work in the medical industry that you will have to go to medical school…

A Smooth Move: Make Your Next Transition Easy as 1-2-3

According to Move.mil, the Department of Defense’s moving portal, the DOD relocates more families than any other organization in America. Attorney George Sink Jr. states, “Having worked with veterans, I can attest to the fact that military families are constantly on the move.” These disruptions can be especially stressful for first-time movers, but there are…

Great Test Revision Tips for Parents to Share with Their Kids

Mandatory testing in US schools is no longer reserved for the juniors and seniors planning for college and taking SAT and ACT tests. Mandatory testing now begins as early as third grade in many states, and this can put an incredible amount of pressure on kids and their parents. Especially on military parents who cannot…

#MeToo Versus the US Military: An Uphill Battle for Victims of Sexual Assault

The #MeToo movement has turned into a monumental moment in history that may signal that next major wave of feminism. However, there are still plenty of institutions where the #MeToo movement has yet to make the same kind of impact it has had in the entertainment, political and corporate worlds. The military has long been…

Sexual Harassment and the Military: Work Still Needs to be Done

Congress and the public have been promised, by the Pentagon, that there would be no tolerance for sexual harassment and assault. But the issue remains, with a case reported in September 2015. The case alleges that a colonel, married at the time, continued to tell her that he wanted to have sex with her. The…

Can Brain Enhancing Pills Really Unlock Your True Brain?

The strong desire to enhance brain functioning over their peers has been driving the interest of millions towards brain health or brain enhancing supplements. These brain pills that claims to increase memory, boost attention, and enhance creativity, mood and motivation. It is for this reason, brain health supplements market, which was valued at $2.3 billion in…

Why Families Should Play Sports Together

To maintain a happy, healthy family environment, you need to set a happy, healthy example to your children. There are many elements besides health that play a major role in keeping the family happy, but one of the most important ways to strengthen that bond is by playing sport. Here’s the top five reasons why…

How to Adequately Prepare Your Kids to Leave the Nest

Researchers have been taking a closer look at the slowdown in household formation, which is a slow household growth that leads to a slower demand for homes on the housing market. One of the reasons for a recent slowdown in the past few years is the fact that young people are still living with their…

How Will Deployment Affect My Child Custody Agreement?

Members of the military not only sacrifice their lives when deployed; they sacrifice their families back home as well. For divorced military parents, responding to their orders often means having to face custody battles. Unfortunately, it can be almost impossible to respond to a court hearing while you’re on deployment. What happens to child custody…

DUI Penalties are Even More Severe for Military Personnel

The story usually starts innocently enough with a couple drinks at the bar, and it ends with a DUI arrest that will follow a servicemember for the rest of his or her career. A DUI in civilian life causes serious financial hardship and puts strain on family and career, but the costs are even worse…

Do You Know What To Do After a Car Accident? Here Are Tips To Help

One of the most unsettling feelings is the feeling after you have been involved in a car accident. It seems like everything is moving so fast as you might be in shock or injured, perhaps both. This is not the time to do the research on what to do if involved in an accident. You…

How to Build a Family Emergency Fund, Even on a Tight Budget

The truth is that, even in a two income household, most families are not immune from chaos a financial emergency can cause. From a car that dies unexpectedly half way between the school drop off and the office, to the dog that was fine yesterday but seems terribly sick today and in need of an…