Supplementing Traditional Medicine with Foam Rolling

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If you are a fitness trainer, a massage therapist, or an alternative healer, you have probably heard about the foam roller and its wide range of benefits by now. From enhanced performance to injury prevention, the foam roller has emerged as one of the most important tools in sports and in personal health. The foam roller is a cost effective and accessible form of therapy for individuals in a variety of sports and disciplines. And while the tool provides a great ease of use, there is probably a thing or two that you have left to learn.

Regeneration and the Foam Roller

The foam roller is well known for its ability to aid in healing and rehabilitation. As a Myofasical release technique, the foam roller is able to work through those tedious knots that keep athletes from playing at their best. By simply rolling against the foam roller, individuals may find a great sense of release in the connective tissues, helping to relieve pain and prevent further injury. While stretching is usually the go to method for regeneration, new research has actually brought to light the negative impact that static stretching may have on the body. In a recent study, researchers discovered that acute static stretching is linked to decreased reaction time. It has since been discovered that acute muscle stretching could inhibit muscle strength endurance performance as well.

Coupling Traditional Stretching with the Foam Roller

This is where the foam roller differs. According to modern research, self-myofascial release has no (negative) impact on athletic performance. Although, when coupled with traditional stretching methods, it can work wonders. According to a research study featured in the Journal of Sports Rehabilitation, the use of a foam roller in tandem with traditional stretching may lead to a greater range of motion in the hip than traditional stretching, itself.

Functional Training and the Foam Roller

While the foam roller is easily recognized for its healing properties, many have yet to unlock its potential in functional training. The foam roller may be used to engage a variety of muscle groups and areas of the body, including the abdomen, hips, upper body, legs, and back. Thanks to its cylindrical shape, the tool may be used to challenge balance and enhance stability through a range of exercises.   According to Dr. Stephen Bui, MD, CEO and Founder of Active Life Solutions, “foam rolling makes a difference in stretching and in preventing muscle injury.  By focusing your muscles, you can control them better. When you are well-stretched, your muscles are better prepared before – and after exercise.”

Modernizing Foam Rolling Therapy

Training and rehabilitation company, BLACKROLL, which is sold by Active Life, has become more and more popular among coaches, athletes, military personnel, and physical therapists for this very reason. Using BLACKROLL’s foam rolling products and training guides, elite athletes and beginners alike are becoming stronger and moving better on and off the field.  Even in a day and age when technological advancement reigns supreme, the foam roller is just as effective (if not more) than most and easy to transport from assignment to assignment or between exercise locations.

The Clinical Benefits of Foam Rolling

While the foam roller could never replace the background and expertise of a therapist or sports scientist, it is the perfect supplement to traditional treatment. Leveraging its regenerative benefits and support in strength training, the opportunities are endless in the sports and clinical space. Active Life makes our patients the champions of their own health. With quality foam rolling products, accessible tools, and more, we provide background and the ingenuity to

help clients get the ball rolling towards optimum health and longevity.