Infographic shows the health dangers of Union County

An intriguing infographic has come to light which highlights some damning truths about Union County, Florida. The infographic has been pieced together by, who have taken into account all of the cancer cases in the United States and put them together in a league table format. The full results can be seen here: Using…

Inspirational Quotes For Parents

Raising a child and managing a family comes with a great deal of responsibility. While some parents might embrace the challenges they will face, others struggle to deal with the overwhelming obstacles they face each day. Because so many parents are stressed out from having to handle all of these challenges, they can easily lose…

4 quick hacks to add touches of summer to the home

It might not feel it in the current environment but believe it or not, summer is around the corner. At the moment, we are all trying everything we can to introduce normality into our lives. We keep being told about the new normal but for some of us, we want a piece of the old…

Should Your Teen Take A Public Speaking Course?

As a parent, there are going to be many valuable lessons you will want to teach your child about becoming responsible. As you guide your child through the different challenges and obstacles they will face, it is going to be important that you help them build their self confidence. If you truly want to see…

Are expensive E-Liquids worth it?

Should you buy the cheapest vaporizer juice that you can find, or is it worth spending a bit more money?  This is a question that many new vapers will have to face. One of the main reasons people give up smoking is to save money, but vaping can be just as expensive. So is there…

Coping With Travel, Long Deployments, COVID-19, And Senior Caregiving

Military families are the strength behind the uniform. They share in the stresses and strains resulting from deployments of their loved ones into dangerous operational duty, and the prolonged separations they entail. They also make important sacrifices and face challenges associated with frequent relocation, such as finding new family health care providers, re-establishing child care,…

What You Can Learn From The Best MK 677 Ibutamoren Review

Nowadays, people experiment with all kinds of steroids or SARMs to help them obtain a well-defined bodybuilder physique. Before you start using any of these supplements, you should do some extensive research about what they can do for your body.  There are many myths and controversies surrounding products like these because some of them can…

Synthetic Marijuana Use Continues To Rise With Teenagers

While our country continues to be plagued with the opiate crisis, there exists another dangerous drug that is falling into the hands of our children at a rapid pace: synthetic marijuana. A harmful message is being sent to our younger generation as states pass the legalization of marijuana, offering it as a safe and harmless…

Preparing For A Post-COVID World Means Realizing It Isn’t Leaving Yet

In the early months of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted wide-sweeping shutdowns and shelter-in-place orders across the United States. Now, as parts of the country look to start relaxing these strict measures, small business owners need to think about what’s next and how they will adapt and move forward safely and sustainably. For many businesses,…

How to Clone Marijuana Plants

Cloning is the process of making a replica of the exact living plant. The process is done by taking a branch or cutting off the living plant and then allowing it to root to form a new plant. This same procedure can be followed to clone many plants, but in this article, we will be…

Going to School in the Military

Joining the military is a big step in life. And it takes a lot of commitment. Being able to serve your country and protect its people is one of the most exciting and influential things you may ever do in life, but it’s definitely not easy. Being in the military means that you’ll need to…

man with head bowed down hands covering face

PTSD and its effects on combat veterans

Any form of trauma can cause someone to develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, this condition is most commonly associated with combat veterans due the horrific nature of their duty. Understanding the effects PTSD has on veterans is one of the best ways of helping them deal with their symptoms.  A Nightmare Scenario…

Preventing The Spread of COVID-19 And Other Illnesses Is Easy As The Click Of A Button

Businesses and employers can prevent and slow the spread of COVID-19 within the workplace. Employers should respond in a way that takes into account the level of disease transmission in their communities and revise their business response plans as needed. Employers should follow the White House Guidelines for Opening Up America Again, a phased approach based on…

Gardening faux pas’: How to avoid the classic mistakes

It is something of a seasonal pastime and when it comes to the brink of spring, it is certainly not uncommon to see households around the country paying some much-needed attention to their garden. As much as it might seem simple at the time, as anyone who has “tried” gardening will testify it can quite…

Protecting America One Person At A Time On Time And On Budget

School shootings have shaken the United States in recent years. Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Columbine, and Parkland are horrific examples of tragedies involving weapon-toting perpetrators. The armed offenders were either students at the school or visitors who forced entry into the building. Increased mass violence is shocking and unsettling, robbing U.S. families, as well as…

7 Tax Tips for Your Home Business

7 Tax Tips for Your Home Business

Did you just start a home business? Do you need some tips on what is required for your income tax? The following ideas can help you be ready for the next tax season. Keep Organized and Record Everything Make sure you have a system for keeping track of expenses and invoices. When tax time rolls…

4 Fun Ways to Bond With Your Kids at Home

4 Fun Ways to Bond With Your Kids at Home

As parents, we often get caught up with doing chores or trying to keep household matters in order. We work hard to balance our time between doing these things and spending time with the children, but we don’t always get it right. Try to make time every day to spend some quality time with your…

BarxBuddy: Best Dog Training Device for The Average Person?

Most dog owners know that choosing to bring home a furry family member is only the first in a long line of very crucial decisions for both your family, and your new pet. Before you even consider buying a dog it’s important to decide on the breed you would like to have. Different breeds have…

toddler in car seat

Best toddler car seats 2020

Toddler car seats are a little different than baby seats, which means parents have a few extra aspects to consider when purchasing any model. It’s vital that you ensure your child’s protection in a vehicle, but how can you tell which models are the best for the job? Check out these best toddler car seats…

father teaches son to ride the bicycle

How to teach a scared child to ride a bike

Learning how to ride a bike is almost like a rite of passage for children. While kids may be thrilled about the idea of learning how to ride (until they scrape their knee for the first time), parents are more concerned about safety.  However, some children are terrified of their first bicycle. They might not…

Make Money Creating Mobile Apps

Make Money Creating Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps and the Gaming Industry Since the beginning of mobile apps, games have been around. As technology changed and grew, app-based games became very popular. Companies have made a lot of money creating games.  Both children and adults are avid gamers. Augmented and virtual reality games are being created to give better experiences. There…

What to Do When Your Partner Gets Deployed

What to Do When Your Partner Gets Deployed

Living on a military installation is vastly different from living in the general community. Military life is one of constant movement. Things can change at a moment’s notice, and when your partner suddenly gets deployed, your whole world is shaken up.  The most significant decision throughout all of this is, should you and the family…

Gaming for Teen’s – One Step Further

Gaming for Teen’s – One Step Further

Before the invention of Sony’s Play Station and Microsoft’s X-Box gaming consoles, children played outdoors or rode bicycles. Now, getting children outside can be a difficult task. PC games and gaming consoles take up so much of our children’s time. The world of gaming is continuously growing every day. How can you let your teen…

3 Typical Challenges Military Children Face

Growing up in a military family comes with some serious trials and tribulations that kids from civilian families hardly ever come across with. Military children have to adjust to multiple life-changing circumstances — something that’s quite challenging, to say the least. At, we occasionally discuss what it means to be a military child, as…


Why fewer men get alimony than women

Roughly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. Among them are about 450,000 individuals that receive alimony, according to surveys. While the number of men who receive post-divorce spousal maintenance is increasing, their numbers remain at a mere 3%. So, why is it that fewer men receive alimony than women?  Gender…