Protecting America One Person At A Time On Time And On Budget

School shootings have shaken the United States in recent years. Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Columbine, and Parkland are horrific examples of tragedies involving weapon-toting perpetrators. The armed offenders were either students at the school or visitors who forced entry into the building. Increased mass violence is shocking and unsettling, robbing U.S. families, as well as…

BarxBuddy: Best Dog Training Device for The Average Person?

Most dog owners know that choosing to bring home a furry family member is only the first in a long line of very crucial decisions for both your family, and your new pet. Before you even consider buying a dog it’s important to decide on the breed you would like to have. Different breeds have…

3 Typical Challenges Military Children Face

Growing up in a military family comes with some serious trials and tribulations that kids from civilian families hardly ever come across with. Military children have to adjust to multiple life-changing circumstances — something that’s quite challenging, to say the least. At, we occasionally discuss what it means to be a military child, as…

CalVet Loans VS VA Home Loans

Veterans have unique options when looking for a home. One of the most well-known programs is the Department of Veterans Affairs program. For Veterans looking to buy in California, there’s also the CalVet Home Loan program through the California Department of Veterans Affairs. Wondering how to decide which program is right for you? This helpful…

Melatonin for Kids and Toddlers: Is It Safe?

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule for children is important to their ongoing growth and development as well as their everyday health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, sleep training and developing healthy sleep habits is easier said than done. Many parents turn to melatonin as a sleep aid for their kids and toddlers. Is melatonin safe for kids…

How to Maintain Your Car’s Drivability for Years to Come

A car is often a necessary and (unfortunately) expensive investment. However, this investment can vary widely between vehicle owners over the course of a lifetime. Many drivers burn through their vehicles in a few years’ time, while others can keep their four-wheeled friends working for decades. The difference? A bit of maintenance performed and thousands…

5 Types of Mental Health Resources Available To All Veterans

Mounting studies published within the last two years have revealed that veterans are 15 times more likely to develop a post traumatic stress-related condition (alternately referred to as PTSD) than civilians.  While minimal mental health services were provided for veterans and active-duty military service members in times prior, World War I marked a turning point…

Sweat Through Basic Training And The Military The Healthy Way

You made the decision and enlisted in the military. You waited to hear back when your Basic Training will start and now you finally got your orders.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re going to the Army, Air Force, Marines, or the Navy. Either way, you’re going to Basic Training, a program which challenges even the…

Long-Distance Dating Tips for Military Members

There is something magnetically attractive about men and women wearing uniforms. They symbolize strong, stable, courageous, noble, and orderly people who can provide security and protection to their family and partners. And that’s what most of us want when it comes to love. What the other benefits of dating a soldier are, find on this…

Birth Injury Lawyers Seek Justice And Compensation For Children With Cerebral Palsy

A birth injury lawyer helps the parents of children that have suffered from medical malpractice seek justice and compensation. The team at Birth Injury Lawyers Group is dedicated to assisting the families affected by labor and delivery injuries.  Birth Injury Lawyers have proven to be a comprehensive resource for families that are coping with birth…

A Few Fall Fashion Options From Louis Vuitton And The RealReal

People who want to look their best might shop in a number of place to find the options that they need for the season. Plus, this is a good time of year for you to break out all your favorite clothing items. This is a very simple way for you to look good, mix up…

When to Consider a Prenuptial Agreement

Most people assume prenuptial agreements as a safeguard for the wealthy. The truth is, anyone couple can hold one of these agreements. Do you really need one, though? Prenups have become increasingly popular over the past decade, but they still aren’t for everyone. Here’s when and why you should consider this binding document.  What is…

Ladyboys From The Philippines – Dating In East Asia

Love is a tricky thing. You can spend your whole life waiting for the right person. You start imagining about all the possible places where you can meet your soul mate. Maybe it’ll happen in your local supermarket, in the club, or somewhere else. You can never know. They say when you meet the right…

8 Gifts That Won’t Disappoint

It seems like there is always a new occasion to buy someone a gift for. Birthdays, baby showers, weddings, graduations… you name it. You need a gift for it. It’s annoying to keep giving money or gift cards, and you only come up with so many creative ideas for each event. There are so many…

5 Awesome Things You Should Know About Big Data in Healthcare

When it comes to human health, it is important to know as much as possible about many different conditions in order to give the best quality of care. Using big data for research is a solution healthcare providers and institutions are now employing to improve the care they give. The phrase ‘big data’ refers to…

Various Career Paths For Vets After Discharge

The lessons learned in the military are not all needed after discharge but there are valuable ones that can be learned. The military often times supports any solider trying to improve themselves whether it is physically or in an educational manner. The fact that you will be able to attend college for free makes it…

Helping Veterans Combat PTSD

Veterans are an extremely diverse group of people who may have had radically different experiences of service across branches and generations. Yet one all-too-common characteristic that veterans might share are scars that remain largely invisible and silent: PTSD. With the suicide rate as yet unabated since the first formal report on the issue was released…

Issues That Military Personnel Might Struggle With After Returning Home

Getting home from being deployed or finishing up your term of service can be a tough adjustment. Issues that you have to deal with in the military are far different than that of civilian life. Understanding what these issues can be will help you avoid or work on yourself to avoid something becoming an issue.…

Why Web 2.0 Is Everything You’ve Been Searching For

The Internet age has made us all curious seekers. With a treasure trove of information at our fingertips, we are constantly in search of answers and growing our own knowledge base. The Internet has made us lifelong students as we continue to seek answers about the world around us and become our very own experts.…

Supplementing Traditional Medicine with Foam Rolling

If you are a fitness trainer, a massage therapist, or an alternative healer, you have probably heard about the foam roller and its wide range of benefits by now. From enhanced performance to injury prevention, the foam roller has emerged as one of the most important tools in sports and in personal health. The foam…

Must Have Back-to-School Accessories for Your Tween

Heading back to school is an exciting thing. But when it’s your tween who’s headed back, that excitement can mean stress for you. It’s on you as a parent to help your tween pick out all of the back-to-school essentials, and it can be hard to find the stuff that will help him or her…

10 Things That Can Disqualify You from Enlisting in the Military

There are many things that can disqualify someone from joining the military. Each division of the military has unique qualifications, but the military as a whole prefers candidates who have sound morals and are physically and mentally capable. The following reasons explain why applicants can get disqualified from service: 1) Citizenship Only US citizens and…

How to Make Provision for a Better Future in the Health Sector

The health sector is an ever-growing industry that keeps developing and making progress. Of course, what we have today is much better than we had in the past. Ailments have their treatments and solutions. New diseases have been found but they are managed to tackle quite well. Technologies are applied and more used than before.…

2019 Social Security and VA Changes

In the fall, the Social Security Administration (SSA) shares policy adjustments that will occur the following year in the program. This directly affects the VA monthly benefit amounts, as the VA takes into account inflation and higher costs of living. For the SSA, higher payments were sent out as early as December 31, 2018, but…

Bacopa Monnieri – A cognitive Function boosting Supplement

Bacopa Monnieri is one of the most respected nootropics on the market. It takes its name from the species of creeping plant its extracted from and has a long history of use as a medicinal herb. However, its reputation as a nootropic is not only based on past beliefs. There is a wealth of scientific…