How One CBD Company Is Changing The Trajectory Of An Industry

By Damian Rodriguez

By Damian Rodriguez

There are numerous types and forms of CBD for sale in the United States today.  And, while they account for over $4B annually in sales, according to a recent Statistica report, what is far more interesting is the manner and types of testing that CBD companies tend to do.  In other words, testing is a major differentiator when it comes to CBD.  Regardless of the labels or what the dosages may be, when it all comes down to it, safety and efficacy are the first priority.  

CBD products are derived from oils in the hemp plant.  Many also contain additional products you don’t expect to see.  This may include sugar, additives, additional supplements like melatonin, and more.  Even if all things were created equal in the CBD space, and they certainly are not, the mere fact that many have been exposed to toxins throughout the growing process certainly sets those apart from the truly organic ones.

Statistica, in an August 2022 report noted that, “As of 2022, 28 percent of cannabidiol (CBD) brands in the United States did not test their products for pesticide contamination. Only seven percent of brands tested all their products for contamination from pesticides, heavy metals, and microbes.”    And, while most people automatically assume CBD products may be organic, this report certainly sheds a bright light on the fact that they are not.  To make matters worse, still fewer are fully certified as organic.  And when they are organic, in many cases, it is the hemp plant itself that is organic, and not the finished CBD product that is.  

The hemp plant changes throughout the growing, extraction, and production processes, and in many cases, a product that is organic becomes inorganic through the manufacturing process.  As more outlying products are added to the mix, the product becomes less and less healthy.  Why put additives and byproducts into your system to make it healthier when you could be doing the opposite if you aren’t careful?

Nesas Hemp is a full spectrum CBDa oil that is fully focused on growing their own plants, putting their products through the highest levels of testing possible, and ensuring customers that they are taking a “beyond organic” product. While the plants are grown by the company itself, the soil it grows in is also a proprietary organic product. Nesa’s harvest is very precise; the plants stay alive throughout the entire extraction process.  

While going this extra mile (or two) may seem like a lot to some, to CEO and Founder Inesa Ponomariovaite it is the least she can do to give back to her plants and her customers.    Both, in her mind, need to live and breathe.  By keeping the plant alive all the time, Inesa can maximize the medicinal value of each plant.

“Because our plants remain alive and intact through our processes, we are the first company to get the Certification of Safety Seal from the FDA registered ACS Laboratories.  Our products are proven to be safe from heavy metals, mercury, pesticides, mold, and many other harmful toxins that most companies don’t worry about,” said Inesa Ponomariovaite, CEO and Founder.

Nesa’s, as a company, is “beyond organic”.  The products are certified organic, and the company has the lab tests to prove it. Users of Nesas understand just how much the product helps them.  By going significantly beyond the required typical organic certification requirements, customer know they are getting a best-of-breed product that is changing the trajectory of the industry.  

Literally hundreds of studies globally have clearly shown the health benefits of using CBD regularly. This includes improvement in everything from mental health to pain management or sleep to depression and anxiety.  In fact, Statistica reports that the number one reason CBD is purchased in the United States is for the treatment of stress and anxiety.  And, when you already suffer from anxiety, why take a product that is grown in or contaminated with toxins?  Without the credible lab testing – testing that looks at everything including pesticides, metals, microbes, and so much more – CBD products aren’t offering users a real solution.  Nesa’s, on the other hand, always puts their customer’s health and their plant’s health first.

For Inesa Ponomariovaite, this is something she takes to heart.  “Besides offering quality that is above and beyond anything you can find available today, we are on a mission not just to improve people’s health and provide the safest products on the market, and we use our funds to give back to society.  As the CEO and Founder, I have a much bigger vision,” said Ponomariovaite.