The Power of Personalization

By admin

A strong brand identity is one of the most important parts for every business to build. It is quite literally how a business is perceived by its customers, including the voice, message, and values the world sees. This brand must be consistent across every channel that a customer interacts with, including emails, social media, and websites. Even though branding is so important, 90% of firms struggle with creating brand consistency. Unfortunately, without it, sales will begin to slow and there will be marketplace confusion with other competitors. 

Another key area for a business to focus on is creating a personalized experience for their customers, which 90% of customers find more appealing. Hyper-personalization is even more attainable today thanks to the help of artificial intelligence (AI). This technology can analyze real-time customer data, such as their browsing and purchasing history, to determine which product recommendations are most likely to stick out to the customer in question. 

A lot of major companies are using hyper-personalization methods to drum up more business. Examples include easyJet, Cadbury, and Spotify, which all demonstrate that customer engagement will likely spike using this strategy. However, if a company doesn’t personalize its customers’ experience, 38% of them might leave the purchasing funnel entirely. This emphasizes how important implementing this strategy truly is.

How Strong Brand Consistency Drives Brand Success
Source: BrandGuard