Treating Erectile Dysfunction with Purely Natural Remedies

The National Institute of Diabetic and Digestive and Kidney Diseases puts forth a very relevant point about erectile dysfunction. Although the inability to achieve an erection is an extremely common condition in males over the age of 40, it should not be considered a normal part of ageing. Rather, it should be treated as a…

The Importance of Self-Care in Parenting, and How you can Make Time for It

The command post behind the lines of a traditional war tended to be well stocked with good food and dry clothes. The reason for this isn’t because the command was selfish, or they felt they deserved it. It was because, if they were to suffer from low morale, then the entire war effort would suffer.…

Military Parenting is Great!

The children of military parents have got opportunities that civilian kids never get! Think about it. Military parents get to take their kids all over the United States as they are stationed for different assignments. Do you know how many military camps in the United States are located within ten miles of the Atlantic Ocean?…

Post 911 Military Parenting

Military parents have a special duty to care for their children in a world that is becoming more and more threatening in many respects. To do this, they need to cultivate a positive attitude that is sincere and coherent. Children are like mirrors, say psychologists; they reflect whatever they see, hear, or feel. While dealing…

Using the New Parent Support Program

The New Parent Support Group is a military program for all military personnel who are pregnant and their spouse. It has its roots back in World War Two, when military authorities realized that young couples thrown into the maelstrom of war needed help in understanding their duties and responsibilities when it came to fostering new…

Discipline for the Military Child

The military is all about discipline. One of the first things a soldier or sailor or marine learns in boot camp is to obey orders, instantly and without question. But with children, it’s a different situation altogether! Their young minds are not yet ready to process very much information at once. So when you tell…

Military Families and Holiday Traditions

  Parenting in the military is always a challenge, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done well, with a lot of fun and good memories to go along with it!i With the holidays so near, it’s a good idea to work together to create some special traditions and memories for your children. Instead of…

Helping Your Children Accept Deployment

Military families are called upon to make sacrifices that ordinary families never have to deal with. One of the biggest challenges faced by military families is the constant possibility of deployment overseas, to be stationed somewhere that is too dangerous or inconvenient for your other family members. This can be traumatic to military children if…

Educating Your Military Teen about Substance Abuse

  The military has a traditional image as a hard fighting, hard drinking bunch. While everyone understands that this is pretty much just a Hollywood cliche, there are still too many cases of substance abuse in our armed forces. This is certainly a challenge for parents raising a teenager in the military. Your first line…

Money Management for Military Teens

Military parents know that until they reach the upper ranks of command, the salary of a service man or woman remains modest and needs to be budgeted carefully. This is especially true when there are teenagers in the house. They need to be taught the importance of wise money management to avoid the inevitable conflict…

Children and Religion in the Military

It’s important for your child to feel a sense of belonging while you are serving your country in the military. Service men and women can take advantage of many different types of organizations to build relationships and a sense of belong, any of which can be a positive influence in military parenting. But perhaps one…

The Importance of Routine for Children

Sometimes military parents wonder if the massive amount of routine that they are subject to in their duties should be reflected at all in their children’s lives. The answer is, yes; children do better when they are encouraged and trained to follow a set routine in daily life. Perhaps not to the extent of an…