
4 Signs Your Teenager Is Headed Down a Dangerous Path

By Web admin

Parenting a teenager can be nothing short of a challenging journey.  One that’s filled with moments of joy undoubtedly, yet also frustration, and ultimately concern for their future and well-being. 

Since the teen years are a time of such significant change and evolution, it can be tough for parents to sift through what “normal” teenage behavior and signs that your teenager may be headed down a dangerous path. 

If you’re on the fence, here are five warning signs that your teenager might be headed down a path that’s no good.

Trouble with The Law

The first and most obvious indication that they’re having trouble is them getting in any sort of legal trouble.  Even if it’s something as simple as getting caught stealing a candy bar, this is a sign of a much bigger problem. Make sure you explain to them that even though it may be an innocent crime now, they could find themselves facing charges one day which is no laughing matter.

Changes in Behavior

Teenagers’ moods and personalities will ebb and flow as they get older.  Yet sudden shifts in their behavior is a serious call for concern.  If they were once extroverted and outgoing, and your teen suddenly becomes withdrawn, losing  interest in activities  they once were extremely passionate about, this is a red flag that they may have deeper issues. This extreme shift in behavior could be a sign of depression, anxiety, or worse— substance abuse.

It’s more important than ever that you take the wheel and initiate a calm and supportive conversation. Ask them if they feel your concerns are valid and whether they feel differently about your observations without judgment and encourage them to share their feelings. If necessary, seek the help of a professional counselor to provide guidance and support to not only your teen but also you as their parent.  

Slipping Grades 

A noticeable drop in your child’s grades and lack of academic performance in school in general more often than not means that something is definitely wrong. And while sometimes slipping grades can be due to different factors, if it’s persistently coming up, then this probably means there’s a problem like bullying or even drugs.

Since their grades can be a determining factor for their overall success in life, you should take action immediately. Schedule a meeting with their teacher, and seriously consider getting extra school help like a tutor.

Being Secretive

Have you noticed that your child seems more secretive than usual?  Do they seem worried about what you’ll see when you go into their room?  What about their telephone? Do you see them deleting text messages, hiding their social media activity or even lying about where they are?  

This kind of behavior can be an indication that they’re partaking in risky activities.  Unfortunately, these kinds of risky activities can vary, and in worst-case scenarios can lead to teen pregnancy or drug addiction.

When in doubt, always take action to find out what it is you think they’re hiding.  It could quite literally be a matter of life and death.